Swap Points | 14,100JPY |
Exchange Rate Fluctuation |
71,000JPY |
Total | 85,100JPY |
<Reference> Cumulative Total
Swap Points | 2,343,263JPY [864,816JPY] |
Exchange Rate Fluctuation |
2,510,030JPY [3,360,470JPY] |
Total | 4,853,293JPY [4,225,286JPY] |
* Cumulative total since May 20,2019 when I begin the arbitrage
* Numbers witin [] showing cumulative total of 2020
Unrealized Exchange Rate Fluctuation changes day to day because FX accounts refere to different exchange rate. We can ignore it in this trade.
<Reference> FX Account Summary
Holding Bid&Ask position of ZAR/JPY with four FX accounts and one Bank account.
<This week Trade>
2M Ask Positions were settled from Matrix Trader and 2M Bid Positions were settled from Gaitame Japan.
All Accounts
Deposit(JPY) | 32,114,875 |
Effective Margin(JPY) | 34,871,175 |
Margin Requirements(JPY) | 7,596,480 |
Number of Open Trades | 30,000,000 |
Reverage | 5.45 |
Daily Swap Points(JPY) | 2,550 |
Each Account
FX Account for Ask
Account | LION FX |
Deposit(JPY) | 13,521,975 |
Effective Margin(JPY) | 5,911,975 |
Margin Requirements(JPY) | 3,000,000 |
Number of Open Trades | 10,000,000 |
Reverage | 9.51 |
Daily Swap Points(JPY) | 3,000 |
Account | FX Prime |
Deposit(JPY) | 6,000,000 |
Effective Margin(JPY) | 5,623,000 |
Margin Requirements(JPY) | 1,147,880 |
Number of Open Trades | 5,000,000 |
Reverage | 5.10 |
Daily Swap Points(JPY) | 5,000 |
FX Account for Bid
Account | GMO FX Neo |
Deposit(JPY) | 3,304,500 |
Effective Margin(JPY) | 10,283,600 |
Margin Requirements(JPY) | 2,319,000 |
Number of Open Trades | 10,000,000 |
Reverage | 5.64 |
Daily Swap Points(JPY) | -3,450 |
Account | Gaitame Japan |
Deposit(JPY) | 2,988,400 |
Effective Margin(JPY) | 6,752,600 |
Margin Requirements(JPY) | 1,129,600 |
Number of Open Trades | 5,000,000 |
Reverage | 4.18 |
Daily Swap Points(JPY) | -2,000 |
*Swap Points in last business day of the week
Bank Account
Account | SBI Bank |
Deposit(JPY) | 6,300,000 |
Keeping some money in bank account to transfer it to FX account immediately against large exchange rate fluctuation.