My FX Trade History

[Profit/Loss] Yer of 2019



Swap Points 1,478,447JPY
Exchange Rate Fluctuation
Total 628,007JPY

* Exchange rate as of Dec. 28th is applied

<Reference> FX Account Summary

Holding Bid&Ask position of ZAR/JPY with four FX accounts and one Bank account.

All Accounts

Deposit(JPY) 37,470,910
Effective Margin(JPY) 35,730,865
Margin Requirements(JPY) 12,013,716
Number of Open Trades 33,800,000
Reverage 8.41
Daily Swap Points(JPY) 1,930

Each Account

FX Account for Ask

Deposit(JPY) 6,800,000
Effective Margin(JPY) 13,658,185
Margin Requirements(JPY) 5,880,000
Number of Open Trades 14,700,000
Reverage 8.37
Daily Swap Points(JPY) 22,050
Account LION FX
Deposit(JPY) 1,312,525
Effective Margin(JPY) 2,960,125
Margin Requirements(JPY) 880,000
Number of Open Trades 2,200,000
Reverage 5.78
Daily Swap Points(JPY) 3,300


FX Account for Bid

Account GMO FX Neo
Deposit(JPY) 15,670,000
Effective Margin(JPY) 8,778,330
Margin Requirements(JPY) 3,117,200
Number of Open Trades 10,000,000
Reverage 8.88
Daily Swap Points(JPY) -11,000
Account Central Tanshi FX
Deposit(JPY) 9,388,385
Effective Margin(JPY) 6,034,225
Margin Requirements(JPY) 2,136,516
Number of Open Trades 6,900,000
Reverage 8.85
Daily Swap Points(JPY) -12,420

*Swap Points in last business day of the week

Bank Account

Account SBI Bank
Deposit(JPY) 4,300,000

Keeping some money in bank account to transfer it to FX account immediately against large exchange rate fluctuation.